
Friday, July 9, 2010

"Is She Really That Tiny?"

Bunny here to answer some questions that have been asked about me lately.

Since Mom mentioned on the blog that I was too little to race, a lot of people and dogs have asked about it.  So, I thought I'd do a little explaining.  The average Greyhound weighs about sixty five to seventy five pounds, give or take a bit.  I tip the scales at fifty pounds, the last time Mom had me weighed. 

When Hawk was still with us, I often walked underneath him, and I have done that to Blueberry once or twice.  However, I let Morgan know that I would not tolerate her walking under me in any circumstance.  A girl has to have limits, and really, I don't do that trick any more.  I'm sure that we've come to an understanding on the situation.  Blueberry is on the tall side for a Greyhound -- Mom calls her The Supermodel, but here's a picture of us together that gives a little bit of an idea about our sizes.

Being tall or short isn't the only thing that's important in how fast a Greyhound can run.  I am plenty fast, as all the labradors in the dog bark will tell you, but when we Greyhounds race, we are often running very close to each other and bumping each other back and forth.  I certainly don't like the idea of rough housing with dogs who are that much bigger than I am.  Some people who race Greyhounds might have decided to run me anyway, but most of them do care about the well being of their dogs and the people in charge of me thought I'd have a better career as a pet than as a racer. 

I used to have big dreams of stardom at the track, but now that I know what living with a family is like, I prefer the race to the couch or the bed.  I enjoy going to school and the nursing home with Mom and Dad and that's a great job for me.  Of course, I still enjoy stretching my legs, I just do it on my own terms!

Blueberry Types for the Blog
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  1. Woo are furry furry smart!

    But, woo knew that already!


  2. Your fawn greyhound looks a lot like the fawn greyhound I knew when I worked at an emergency animal hospital in Florida. She was the abused greyhound that first gave me the idea for writing Dog Catcher. A lot of readers felt like I demonized everyone involved in racing which is too bad because I know these dogs love to run and race. It's the human parts that cause so much grief.

  3. They both look gorgeous to me! Tall or short they are just beautiful dog.

  4. That's a very nice picture of you and Blueberry, Bunny... even though you may be shorter but I bet you're not any slower.

    Licks, hero

  5. Great pic, Bunny!
    I didn't even know some people who race Greyhounds decide to not let a dog race because of it's height.

    Spriet is also very tiny, 26" to the shoulder, 54 pounds. Gunda even was 25", 52 pounds. Oh, and Tibbie (15") also likes to walks underneath Spriet ;-)


  6. You are petite. I never realized. But a very pretty package.


  7. I prefer the term petite myself. No matter the size you are a very lovely canine!


  8. I think living with two leggers is a much better career than racing would have been.
    PeeS. For Morgan, NO Sarge does NOT have a blog. I am trying to talk him into one, butt I (Frankie Furter) think it would be terribly BORRRRRING.

  9. Even if they do enjoy racing I think Bunny ended up with the best deal ever.

    wags, Lola

  10. Well Ya not little to me dat be fur makes up bout 4 more of me....hehehe!
    You may not be a star on da track but you is defiinately a star at da doggie park.
    Oh crap, I'm getting all nicey nice today....what is wrong withs me?

  11. I think you're perfect the size you are!


  12. Sarge is so popular... we all want him to have a bloggie! BOL!

    Bunny you are so beautiful - tall or petite! My sister walks under us all the time. I don't mind it. She's so small, I barely notice it! I bet you'd certainly notice Morgan walking under you though!


  13. I have trying to catch it with a camera for the last three weeks, but I have a very nice set of "nesting dogs". Carmen can stand underneath Brutus, and Brutus ends up standing underneath Mason all the time. Now if I can get them all to do it together, would that be a great photo!?!


  14. You're just the cutest little thing, Bunny!

  15. Hello greyhounds. This is Tucker the Much Better Vizsla Than Dennis. Mama ordered my wagon from PetSmart Online (because they said we could return it if I didn't like it). It took a couple of trips for me to figure out what the wagon was all about but now that I understand it I am happy to ride in it when I get tired and let Mama know when I am ready to start walking again. Mama wrote a review of the wagon on her flyball team's blog if anyone wants to read it.

  16. I can sees now that you are a bit shorter than da Blueberry, but you is also much less heavy (NOT that I be saying da Blueberry is overweights) You are just Petitie.

    I agrees with Puddles, though. You look plenty tall to me!


    PeeS..That is a great piktur of you two. You both be looking in da same directions and smiling big!

  17. My Wall-E thinks Bunny is quite lovely. One year in a fit of insanity, after buzzing my Saint Bernard (Louise always loved a good hair cut) I thought that my collie, Sarge might appreciate a nice clip. Big Mistake! He was on the skinny side anyway and although his face looked a lot like Bunny when I got through; the rest of him wasn't so lucky. He looked like a deranged hyena with a very sweet face. I miss him every day!

  18. miss bunny,
    you are just the size the good Lord wanted you to be, and we all love you that way! :)
    i like the picture of you and miss blueberry together. what are ya'll lookin' at? is it a squirrel or a kitty? heehee.

  19. Big or small you are a very cute Diva girl!!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  20. Bunny, you are adorable and just the perfect size! :-)


  21. My Mary Lou was tiny, too. She topped out at 54lbs. She did, however, have a long and rather illustrious racing career. My Padfoot is crazy tall and skinny and my George is short and stocky. Padfoot : ice skater :: George : hockey player :D

  22. I prefer the race to the couch as well - especially when the cats are downstairs and it is just me walking slowly. Because between you and me, Bunny, speed has never been one of my strengths!

    Your pal, Pip

  23. I had no idea you were so petite; it's hard to tell just from photos.

  24. They look posed in the picture, I love it. It's funny, when people meet Nigel they often find him smaller than they imagined. They must be thinking of his ego. ;)

    Bunny, size does not matter in your case, you are perfectly beautiful.

  25. Bunny you are a beautiful Petite girl. There is nothing wrong with that at all. If you ever want to feel big tall tell you momma to let you visit us. You will feel like a giant. BOL.

    Stopping by to say hello from the Blog Hop. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Davinia and Indiana


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